Shawn Thornton

My photo
Westlake Village, California

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why I Tweet (or Twitter)!

In today's world we connect with people through instant, brief bursts of interpersonal communications through technology that creates a social platform never before expereienced in human history. We use phones we carry with us, text messages to those phones, post status updates to our friends on Facebook or MySpace, and let our followers know what we are doing right now on Twitter.

While these means of communication should and could never replace authentic interpersonal relationship interaction, they do allow more of it with greater frequency. There are strengths and weaknesses to that reality. 

Even how people are shepherded into new movements by influencers of business, culture, religion, technology, education, the arts, etc. has dramatically been altered with the explosion of social media. Now anyone, anywhere can more easily than ever before form their own tribe of followers. That can be a good thing or a bad thing - it all depends on the purpose of the movement and the character of the leader.

I have discovered how valuable Social Media can be in saying to others "follow me as I follow Jesus." Movement is released and a tribe is formed.

The clip below from author Seth Godin is a great 17 minute glimpse at some of the concepts of being a leader today of a movement that forms a tribe. Enjoy!

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