Shawn Thornton

My photo
Westlake Village, California

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

100 X 100 = $10,000 to Needy People

On Sunday, June 7, I shared with Calvary Community Church that $10,000 of our benevolence funds would be redistributed back to 100 different groups within the church body with the goal of identifying and meeting financial needs within the local community.

We recognize that 100 different groups will be able to identify and meet the financial needs of more people within our community more efficiently and effectively than through one centralized program.

So Calvary groups, here are your guidelines:

1. This is God's $100...

2. Pray and Be Intentional...

3. Meet a Local Financial Need...

4. Email: by August 1

As we continue to learn what it means to live and love like Jesus in the context of community, we hope and pray that this will open doors for transformation in the lives of those in need in our community and within the Calvary body.

While money is able to meet financial needs, lets keep our hearts open to what God would want to do in order to meet the spiritual needs of those we encounter as well.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Single Mom & Son: Celebrating a Break Thru!

Below is an email sent to me and those who coordinated our Serve Weekend efforts from a single mom who was so grateful for how God used Serve Day in her own life and in the life of her 10-year-old son. She gave me permission to share it with you. Please take the time to read it and celebrate with her!

Dear Pastor:
I am a single mom who has been through a period of extreme challenge in the past year and a half. The season of pain that has engulfed our lives has left my son changed and has found our faith waning in comparison to our past years. It has been a struggle as we continued to look up and try to turn to Christ for hope and strength. As life has begun to calm, we have tried to find joy in our daily, earthly steps. When Serve Day was presented, I knew it was a way to step outside of ourselves and turn to others in His name.

Sunday my son woke up and asked if there was another day that we could help others for God or if we could only do it once a year. Wow. Not only did my 10-year-old feel good about helping others and feel closer to God, he also felt a sense of pride and purpose that had been missing for him this past year. What a huge step for us, as a family, to heal and move forward.

As a mom, as a believer, as a follower, as someone who has been broken and made whole by God's grace, I can't thank you all enough for your gift that you provided last weekend. Your servant's hearts touched many in ways that you will never know.

Many blessings to you each,
A Grateful Mom

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Benevolence Fund Stories

Below are some stories of how God is using the benevolence funds given by the Calvary family to help people in need. Our staff follows caring, but careful guidelines to evaluate the validity of needs and how best we can help as a church. Most of the time, words of counsel and many times a testimony of the Gospel are also shared. Enjoy the stories of what God is doing in and through the Calvary family! 

DESPERATE MOM: One of our staff spoke on the phone with a young mom whose husband had recently abandoned the family. She is pregnant. She called the church because she really didn't want an abortion, but could not think of any alternatives. The rent was due, eviction eminent. A family member was willing to pay for an abortion and pay her rent.

As the staff member talked with her, they strongly sensed her desperation, yet also sensed she knew that choice was wrong for her. Arrangements were made for Calvary to pay her rent. She called three times that day to share her relief and gratefulness and to let us know she had canceled the appointment at the abortion clinic. She is going to carry the pregnancy through and give her baby up for adoption to a family that will tell the child how much she loves it.

AN ADDICT’S BABY: Mother with drug issues goes to jail - 3 week old baby handed over to the mother's young sister - no funds period!  We offered counseling - funds for adult and baby food, diapers, wipes, stroller for starters..... Our team will continue to follow up.

A LONG-TIME CALVARY FAMILY: We cared for over $1,000 in medical bills for a couple overwhelmed by costs of their health needs as they age.  Long time members of Calvary; both of whom were highly involved in serving when they were able. They were drowning in financial problems and deep worry because of this immediate crisis.

UNEMPLOYED MEMBER OF CALVARY: The church paid the rent of an unemployed member of Calvary who has worked through our Career Transitions ministry for help in locating a job.

UNEMPLOYED MOM: We paid  $975 car repairs for unemployed mother of two.

TEARS OF JOY FROM A MOM: We made a couple of car payments for a single mom with 4 kids who works locally, but struggles to make ends meet.  This made her current and she was able to avoid having it repossessed by 2 days.  She cried many tears of joy.

FAMILY OF 5: Calvary paid rent for a family of 5 and kept them in their home.  They thought they'd be on the street due to job loss.  They were amazed that the church stepped in to help.

HOMELESS FAMILY LIVING IN OLD RV: The church put tires on a truck for a homeless family living in a trailer locally.  We also helped the dad get a job interview clothes and paid for gas to employment interviews.

A YOUNG MAN ABOUT TO BE EVICTED: We helped a man avoid eviction by making a deal with his landlord and paying some back rent.  He had always seen the church as judgmental and uncaring... until now – PTL!

SINGLE MAN: We helped a single man catch up on a couple of car payments.  He would have lost his car that week and we had to deal directly with the lender.

OTHER PEOPLE:  Along with practical counsel, we have given away gas cards, target cards, and grocery cards to many other families on the edge.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Tribute to a Man I Never Met - Webb Davis

While I never met Webb Davis, I have heard many things about this young man who stepped into the presence of His Lord and Savior two weeks ago. His father and mother, Joe and Carolyn, are friends of mine and members of Calvary Community Church. Joe serves with me on the Elder Board. We have been praying for the entire Davis family since Webb collapsed, slipped into a coma, and then moved on to glory.

My connection to the Davis family goes back to my years of ministry and my educational training in West Virginia. Joe's dad and Webb's grandfather, Maynard, was one of the first Elders of Bible Center Church in Charleston and was one of the early voices of influence alongside a man named Lester Pipkin as he founded Appalachian Bible College. The Davis family had an impact and voice into my life long before I met any of them. And, actually, Maynard (who was instrumental early on at both the college I attended and the church I pastored) was with Jesus before I was born. This has given me a special connection to Joe, Carolyn and their family since coming to California and having the privilege of serving as their pastor.

I continue to pray for the Davis family - especially for Webb's wife Monica and his little 20 month old daughter, Hope. One of the warmest tributes I have ever heard was given by Joni Eareckson Tada via video at Webb's memorial service. She convinces me that the life of this young man, whom I never met, will have a lasting and powerful impact on others!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Resources to Help "The Least of These"

Here are two versions of the same document. The Word (.doc) document has hyper links included so you can go directly to the website from it simply by selecting the link. Click here for the Word Doc.

Updated Outline for Sunday, May 31st

The Lord has been stirring so much in my heart and mind as I prepare each week for the "On Mission" series that I have not been able to produce an outline by the time the bulletin is printed that settles all the truths and ideas. 
So, this week there is another updated outline for the message. Click here to download the PDF.