Shawn Thornton

My photo
Westlake Village, California

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Stop Daylight Savings Time!?

Tonight as we go to bed, we will turn our clocks back an hour. My home state of Indiana just joined the rest of the nation in utilizing Daylight Savings Time (DST). When I was growing up in Northern Indiana, we did not spring forward or fall back. We simply let the sun adjust and we adjusted to the sun.

When I went off to college in West Virginia, I had to get accustomed to this idea of changing my clock twice a year. It was weird to make the change. Now, I am use to it.

But as the clip below shows, not everyone was in favor of the DST idea back in the day. This is an actual clip of an advertisement during a drive-in movie theatre intermission. Check it out and don't forget to move your clock back tonight even if you are against it. You have to live in the real world you know!

1 comment:

joeddavis said...

Indeed, Daylight Savings Time came to Indiana, and it was reported in the press.