Shawn Thornton

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Westlake Village, California

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Easter! Happy Easter?

Like many who are a part of the Calvary Community Church family, I receive the weekly email update from the church office. Generally one of the pastors writes something that helps us see what God has been doing in and through the ministries of the church or they cast vision for what is about to happen.

This week I had written a letter to go out via the email. When I got mine today, it was from our Executive Pastor, Curtis Johnson. I thought it odd that he had replaced the one I had submitted for one of his own. Then, I read it. It reviewed recent events I had not heard about. And at the very end, Curtis introduced one of the final paragraphs by saying "as we enter into this Easter season." Now I know I am new to how California does things, but putting Easter in October seemed a bit strange to me.  When I realized this had been some sort of error in terms of which document file got posted to the email, I laughed out loud to myself in my office.

Obviously, this was not suppose to be the email that the Calvary family received (the right one did get sent later). The first (and incorrect) email sent was one from early March of this year. But, as the followers of Christ, if we are going to err, it isn't all that bad to point to Easter - to point to the life-giving, life-changing truth of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. After all, that is what it is all about. We need to keep pointing others to the person and work of Jesus Christ and how they can have new life through faith in Him!

Pointing our attention to the Savior is never bad timing. Maybe sending out the wrong email can be, but celebrating the heart of what Easter is all about should be a 24/7, 365 days a year reality for those who know Jesus!

So, Happy Easter!

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