Shawn Thornton

My photo
Westlake Village, California

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's raining! Let's wake the kids!

In the three weeks we have lived in California, the weather has just been awful - blue skies, sun, and more sun. The days have been around eighty degrees and the nights have been nice and cool - around sixty degrees. These conditions make it so hard to enjoy life. 

I hope you know sarcasm when you read it!

My wife has misguided our kids into believing that a good rain shower, or better yet, a good thunderstorm should be appreciated and enjoyed. Not me! I grew up in an area that had severe thunderstorm and even tornadoes on a regular basis. Nothing fun about that to me. Lesli however has this warped idea that the more powerful the storm the more beauty it has.

So, when we walked out of the house early today and saw the rain Lesli enthusiastically said: "It's raining! Let's wake the kids!" Wiser thinking prevailed (mine). We let the kids sleep.

They did, however, enjoy the rain and talked about it all day long. Although, we all agree we are willing to suffer through the sunny days of Southern California!

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