Shawn Thornton

My photo
Westlake Village, California

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The New Adventures of the Thornton Kids - Part 1

A couple of weeks ago Katie went off to Pali Institute Science Camp. All of the 7th graders at Oaks Christian School loaded buses and spent a couple of days learning, playing games, and developing relationships through trust building activities. Pali describes itself on its own website: "Pali Institute is an outdoor education and science camp facility situation in the beautiful San Bernardino mountains, minutes from Lake Arrowhead and 90 minutes from Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange Counties."

Katie came back a bit car sick from the ride, but enthusiastically showed us a DVD that each student got which captured their week in video snippets. She gave us the names of many kids as they came on the screen and told us what happened during each event. She had a blast (except for the bus ride, oh the camp thing, and they didn't get to take enough showers).

This past week, Jon went with his 9th grade class at Oaks on a 4 day/3 night canoe trip down the Colorado River along the Arizona - California border. Led by naturalists, they camped out each night at predetermined spots. These campsites were primitive places to simply pitch tents and visit rough outhouses. No showers, beds, air conditioning, or television could be found anywhere along the trip. He had several different canoe partners. He said the landscape was beautiful (he saw several views like the picture above).

Jon described the details of the class' excursion with a lot of funny stories. He couldn't stop talking about the cool things they saw and did. After four days without a shower and four days of a lot of paddling (not that he got in any trouble - you know, paddling - like rowing), as soon as I picked him up Thursday night, he bragged about how awful he and his stuff smelled and how buff and tan he must have gotten from the trip. He had a blast!

Tomorrow... Part 2 will talk about Megan's excursion with her class.

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