In this book Goodwin tells the story of Abraham Lincoln and his chief rivals who became his good friends. The theme of their development as leaders in America surrounded the issue of slavery.
Many of the stories of how people of color were treated in our nation were hard to read. The bigotry, anger, and cruelty of 19th century America toward African-Americans is not easy to digest. Over my 40+ years on planet earth, I have all too often run into people who have deep hate for others merely because of race.
Tonight I celebrate that our nation has come to the point we have elected a man who 150 years ago would be considered nothing more than property by some Americans. Wow! What a good thing it is that we have come this far as a country!
I am proud to be an American!
But Shawn, how can we celebrate? Our country has come to the point where we voted in a man who has no regard for the life of a child, a man who will not protect Israel, a man who speaks contrary to so many Biblical truths that we hold dear. A black man, yes, that's great and that's progress. But this "victory" shows an America that has turned a blind eye to God, more than ever before. How can we celebrate?
However we may believe after this 2008 election our future still is founded in Jesus Christ who in an imperfect world reigns eternal. The same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His policies alone are supreme.
It should not end with our vote. We must take responsibility being actively informed and involved in our political processes. It is our responsibility to serve every day, praying and standing ready to serve.
Never forget we may feel or appear like David, small and insignificant but it is not who we are or who our leaders are. It is and always will be about Christ in us.
Remember Isaiah? He said "...the government shall be upon His shoulders."
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